Why does my cat want to go outsidewith other cats?

Every cat owner wants to keep their pet cat at home. They don’t like it when their cats go out with other street cats. It happened with my cat. My cat also went to other street cats and came home late. I became worried observing these things. Then I understood why it happened. Why does my cat want to go outside with other cats? I found the solution, and now I will share my own experience with you.
Why does my cat want to go outside?
First, you need to know why it happens. There could be several reasons why your cat wants to go outside with other cats or be lonely. I will explain some common reasons you may not know about:
- Looking for a friend: Sometimes your cat becomes lonely. At that time, they want a friend with them. When you’re not at home, your cat becomes lonely. As you love your cat and pet it with great affection, it feels bored without you. Your cat goes outside to look for a friend to alleviate its loneliness. You may notice that your cat goes outside when you are not at home and returns home when it sees you there again. This is a big reason why your cat goes outside frequently. You can easily solve the problem by bringing a friend for your cat. You can bring a new cat to your house for your cat to play with when you are not at home.
- Looking for food: Your cat can go outside with other cats if you don’t provide enough food that it needs. Sometimes we forget to take care of our cats when we are very busy. This makes your cat interested in going outside to search for food. Then they join their neighboring cats to search for food. If this happens regularly, it becomes a habit for them to go outside. Cats are very smart; they easily form habits. So, you need to focus on taking care of your cat’s food.
- Looking for love: Cats are very empathetic animals. They always seek love. You’ll notice that when you love your cats, they become very affectionate towards you. They want to be close to you. When you stop showing them affection, they feel bored and go outside to search for love. They may interact with other animals. If your cat is male, it will seek a female, and if your cat is female, she will look for a male cat. If your cat finds a friend, they will go together whenever you are not at home.
- Going for a fight: If your cat sees a new cat in your area, it may go to fight with it. This can be harmful sometimes because outdoor cats can carry diseases or viruses. They may also encounter dogs while fighting. So, it can be harmful to your cat and to you. You need to take care of your cat in such situations.
Should I let my indoor cat outside?
Yes, you should let your cat outside sometimes, but you shouldn’t leave it alone. You can take it with you when you go outside. You should use a cat collar and leash. You can also use a cat carrier. If you take your cat with you, it won’t need to go with other cats.
What to do if your cat goes outside with another cat?
It’s a big problem if your cat goes outside with other cats. What should you do if your cat doesn’t listen to you? First, you need to recognize the reasons Why does my cat want to go outside. Then, you need to solve each problem one by one. The most common reasons are explained in my article. First, solve them. Then, make sure there are no street cats near your house. If there are any cats in your neighborhood that come to your home every day for food, don’t let them into your house. Your cat may be attracted to them and go with them. I faced this problem. I became friendly with a neighbor’s cat and fed it every day, so it started coming to my home regularly. After some time, I noticed that it started taking my cat outside with it. This went on for a few weeks, and eventually, it became a habit for my cat. He didn’t want to stay home; he liked going outside with the other cat. So, don’t make the same mistake. You can feed the street cat, but don’t bring it into your home or let it meet your cat.
If your cat becomes accustomed to going outside like mine did, you need to keep your cat indoors until it forgets its habit. Don’t let it roam freely too soon. Always monitor where your cat is going and don’t allow it to interact with local cats.
This should be enough to break your cat’s habit of going outside with other cats.